Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Update Post - Whats Going on With Me???

Whats Going On In My Life
Hey Guys, I feel like I have not done an update post in awhile, so I thought might as well do one.
Not a lot has changed, except, I finally got my 1st YouTube video up!! I am so happy. If you want to see the video you can find a link to the post at the end of this post or look on the side of my blog for my latest video.
The drawback of the video is its only Part 1 right now, I'm still working on editing Part 2. I trying to get it up as soon as possible. It's just that I ran out of memory to finish the rest of the video...such is life.
However, I am also excited to announce that I will be filming a video about my sister and I trying out strange hacks on video. I think its going to be a very fun video to do.
If you guys have any weird hacks you want us to try comment down below and we will. :)
That's all the update I have for my internet life,  but my personal life:
you'll just have to wait till I get the video up this weekend on my video for:
"What's Going On With My Life/ Q & A"
PS: This is my 1st Q & A video, and I wanted to get as many questions as I can for the video.  So start sending them in you can comment down below, tweet on twitter you question (include the #MelzQs ) or email me.

We can keep in touch in many ways: (not to be creepy) :)

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