Sunday, December 13, 2015

Gifty-create your gift with list with ease

Normally throughout the year I find things that I really want. However, with no money at hand, or money to spend, I would ask my mom if she could buy the item. She either says, “Sure how much is it?” or, “Add it to your Christmas list.” Either I am too lazy to create one or I don’t have it with me, at the time, or by the time I get home I have forgotten what it was I wanted.
                With the app “Gifty” I can add what I want for Christmas on my mobile device, right then and there. I can scan the items barcode, use the link from a website (with the item), or take a picture of it. Then when my family and friends go Christmas shopping, and ask me what I want for Christmas, I can share my list with them with a click of a bottom.

                “Gifty” is not just for Christmas. It can be used for birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, etc., however the recipient needs to have the app on their device to view the list. “Gifty” is a free app that I would recommend for all those who want to give people gift ideas.

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