Friday, August 14, 2015

Continuing My life with ADHD

Hey guys, sorry that this post is kinda late. But I do have a busy life outside of my blogging.
After stopping at Par, we learned out medications. Taking out Ritalin in the morning as soon as we wake up, to help us get a kick start with our day (some days we forgot it…whoops). Then when we had school, we would take our Concerta (we like to call it our big pills) at around 7:00 before we headed for the bus or started our day of school.  My mom did research on how to help and live with kids with ADHD. Next week I will post on my Facebook page the books she read. She made us do research ourselves so we could understand our mind and body and what we are dealing with. You can find the slide show video, on my YouTube channel (the link will be down below) or on my Facebook page (Link down below). We just learned that we need to be calm with each other, and understand our symptoms, and how ADHD changed us. Have any questions on ADHD? Post your question in the comments our on Facebook I will reply. I you have any questions for my mom and how she dealt with our ADHD post on our Facebook page, and she will reply. Thank you.
Next week I will be posting our life and struggles with Gluten Free Sensitivity. Have any questions you like my to answer please ask in the comment box.
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