Monday, March 9, 2015


Hello guys its Pinkerds, :) 

Many times in the world people say negative things and less of the positive, its kind of sad. So I wanted to bring positive to the world by creating a video but I need your help. The "activity is called: A World Wide Natural High!" Some of you are probably like, what on earth is a natural high? A natural high is the "opposite" of doing drugs, getting high, drinking , ext. Its something that makes you feel happy and good inside and replaces all the bad. Something you like to do in life that make you feel happy, fresh, free, something fun to you, ext.

A World Wide Natural High:

You can make a poster that says your natural highDisplaying IMG_1220.JPG
(sorry it is side ways)

Just write in a large font of what your natural high is like:

hanging out with friends

Then and some doodles to make it look fun and amazing at the bottom write, #aworldwidenaturalhigh

After making your poster you can take a picture of your poster, like the one that I showed. Or a picture of you with the poster. You can take a picture with more than person in it.

You can email it to me on my blog email:
You can post it on twitter by adding : #aworldwidenaturalhigh 
so I can find your images easily.

If you do not want your photo in my video then you can add it to your attachment of your photo.

Tell the world share my words. Thankyou

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