Thursday, June 9, 2016

It Feels Like The First Post In FOREVER

Hey guys long time no see. I want to say thank you for those of you who come back to see if I posted anything new. As you could tell I hadn't, a while ago maybe last month I uploaded a new YouTube video for gluten free cookies.

But, I do have a reason I have been MIA. Melz Blog has taken a big step! And If you keep up with my twitter you would have seen one of my recent tweets, that Melz blog will be getting a new name, new site, and a .com!!! I already bought the name which is very exciting and now I am just waiting for it to become official, it takes awhile, about 30 days. Then my mom will buy the site platform and Melz Blog will be rebirthed.

I have been afraid to tell you guys the name of the blog. I don't know why, maybe I should tell you…?

All I am going to say right now is that it is a lifestyle blog!! I have been wanting to do a lifestyle blog for years.

Lifestyle blog gives you such a wide array of topics. Which I love!

Anyways, I have been waiting to post anything because, I feel like if I post anymore it would be a Melz Blog's post not the new blog "which I will not tell you the name" 's post. And who knows I might post a really good post on Melz Blog and not use it on the new blog. I don't know, it makes since it my head.

Summer Is almost here!! More Like Summer Vacation is almost here!!

And that means more time for, more posts and fun videos.

I want to start a shout out heard around the world. (Comment down below what we should call it). Put you name or your nickname, or for privacy reasons a "code name" below and where you are from and you can show up on a shout out heard around the world. I think that would be really fun.

Speaking of smiles, as I keep rambling on in the "Catch Up with me Post", I have found an organization called Smile train, that donates money that you donate to give kids surgery for clef lip of clef palate. Even a small donation would help them. If you want to donate there is a link at the bottom of the page or on the side bar. (The link or button will be up tomorrow).

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