Monday, October 26, 2015

How to coop ADHD in highschool "Speak Up and Be Yourself" Chapter 2

Hey guys, its been a while since I posted so I decided, to write chapter 2 for "How to Coop ADHD in High School"

So I'm sure we all know that, in all schools we talk about bullying and being yourself and not wearing a mask to cover the true you. I have to say, to me I see it as blah... blah...blah. No offence. However, I think that this never really hits someone in the heart. Giving true meaning.

But those presenters the speakers and speaking the truth. The hardest thing for me with ADHD is that, when I was little and had ADHD I was crazy all over the place I did not make friends very well I attracted bullies. Now I've always been that shy girl that does not want to been seen unless its positive. I tried to be someone I was not, fit into all groups, be everyone, dress like everyone.

However, I soon made three friends that embraced the true me, they like my crazy funny side. It felt well. I always thought that when I walked down the hall people where staring me with hate. So I put my head down. I haven't looked up for 3 years. I think I need more self esteem. However, I found that I can't look down forever because the bullies just hit harder. I think that people should like me for who I am, and if the don't. What evs (got to keep it pg). No mater what problem you have you are amazing the way you are.

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