Thursday, October 8, 2015

How to Coop ADHD in High School "My 5 partner Goals" Chapter 1

How to coop ADHD in High School

My 5 Partner Goals
Chapter 1

I'm sure there is a lot of you out there who think it's hard to get 4's in school. I to be honest it's a challenge for me. I can’t seem to catch with everyone. That's why you have to be one step ahead. Always looking for an level four as a support on your grades.

One of the hardest things for me with ADHD was studying. Especially when you get into high school. As a freshman I feel like I was just thrown into a homework pit. Tests around every corner.  I had to learn to ask for help, from teachers, my parents, and fellow students.

The thing about asking students is you need to ask the right classmate. Even if your best-friend is in the class with you. You must look for a classmate that is:

  • working effectively with the time given.
  • asking questions, or at least taking side notes
  • achieving their best
  • taking time on there test on their questions
  • and are behaving as a respectful student to the teacher and fellow classmates

I had to learn this the hard way. I had two of my best friends in my class. Of course everyone wants to sit by their best friend. But, when we get together, we T.A.L.K. Talking is great when you are able to stay on task and get the work done properly. However, we could not :( . I couldn’t switch groups so I was stuck. Don’t get me wrong I love my friends. But I hate getting bad grades. So I created five partner goals for school or even in work, to help get through the year.

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