Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Life With ADHD

     I had a hard time before being diagnosed with ADHD. (It can also be called ADD). My mother and I had many differences, and being homeschooled did not help either. Especially since school for us usually went till an hour till bed. ( That does not mean you will have problems with homeschooling) We had some learning disabilities and with our family we were very busy, that we had a hard time squeezing homeschooling in our full schedule. Anyways we worked with it, however we had one problem that we took to our doctors. My sister got lost many times in the day. Making it harder for my family and my sister. My doctor suggested we go to someone who specializes ADHD . That was the first time I ever heard of ADHD. She sent to PAR rehab, which was more talking about then helping. That was ok for people who were beginners with ADHD. My sister went there many times and was prescribed some over the counter drugs by the specialist. She gave my mom Ritalin and Concerta to give to my sister. Soon she got better, except now that she was not in the spotlight. My parents noticed I had some sort of ADHD like my sister. However my symptoms were different, I have a little bit of everything. From inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

     Some symptoms people face with inattention is:

  • becoming distracted easily
  • becoming bored quickly
  • difficulty following instructions
  • trouble completing homework & losing items need for the task
     Some symptoms people face with hyperactivity is:

  • fidget and squirm while seated
  • get up frequently to walk around
  • having trouble playing quietly
  • always on the go
  • talking excessively
     Some symptoms people face with impulsivity is:

  • Have a hard time waiting for their turn
  • blurt out answers before someone finishes the question
  • Start conversations at inappropriate times
  • frequently interrupts or intrudes on others

     Since my sister and I had ADHD. We did not mixes well at times, we would say things without even thinking about it. She would become annoying with her hyperactivity. I also had hard times with my family members concerning ADHD like my anger issues. People think I so nice and delightful but I get angry easily and hold grudges, which causes problems.

     My sister and I began to go together to Par rehab and did some tests. My mom and I went to a thing that seemed like counselling. Maybe for my anger issues and contrary symptoms. I also had learning disability tests but I was young so I really didn't know what I was doing. After a while Par did all the tests they could do. So we stopped going.

Check next week's post to finish my story of life with ADHD

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