Monday, March 23, 2015

Take A Look oo

Hey guys my sister gave me an Idea of Photo week! So excited hope you guys love it too. Hope comments keep coming :) Love you guys :p


What do you think is going on in this picture?
So after this week I will give you my idea of what is  going in this photo....

is it a painting?
Where they placed their on purpose?
Whats behind them?
What are they doing?
What is the year?

Tuesday, March 24

Hey guys its been about a week and I think you guys are ready for I think is the answer I found it online, I have not read it yet so...

This is what I think it is first: 
I don't think it is a painting it kind of looks like a photo that was meant to be taken. And they where placed their for the shot. I think they are sitting on one of their construction beams eating lunch. I would have to say they are very young men and are very unsafe. I see no harnesses or hard hats. It looks like their are whites and blacks so that could be a clue. I know nothing about years and how old they are.

Lets look at what the site says:

Here are some notes that I had taken during my reading:

  • the story behind the most famous photographs ever taken.
  • There is 11 iron workers, enjoying lunch high about Manhattan, New York
  • immigrants from different places

So that's all I got but here is a small clip of a video about the picture.

You can find the video on YouTube :

MEN AT LUNCH Trailer | Festival 2012

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