Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Been gone to long

Hey guys this is an update post kind of.

Sorry I have not been posting for a long time, I have been active on YouTube so if you want to check that out you definitely should, its Melz Blog. Im trying to get to 20 subscribers by September 6th, which is my first day of  school.

I will be posting ALOT of blog posts this school year, again so sorry I have been absent.

Comment down below when you start school.'

Check out my most recent video:

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

NEW VIDEO UP| Whats in my purse?!

Image result for for the first time in forever gif

For the first time in forever, I finally posted a video after it seems like years.

comment down below what you guys have in your purse that I dont have

comment "space" is you want me to try a whole meal the astronauts eat in SPACE!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

It Feels Like The First Post In FOREVER

Hey guys long time no see. I want to say thank you for those of you who come back to see if I posted anything new. As you could tell I hadn't, a while ago maybe last month I uploaded a new YouTube video for gluten free cookies.

But, I do have a reason I have been MIA. Melz Blog has taken a big step! And If you keep up with my twitter you would have seen one of my recent tweets, that Melz blog will be getting a new name, new site, and a .com!!! I already bought the name which is very exciting and now I am just waiting for it to become official, it takes awhile, about 30 days. Then my mom will buy the site platform and Melz Blog will be rebirthed.

I have been afraid to tell you guys the name of the blog. I don't know why, maybe I should tell you…?

All I am going to say right now is that it is a lifestyle blog!! I have been wanting to do a lifestyle blog for years.

Lifestyle blog gives you such a wide array of topics. Which I love!

Anyways, I have been waiting to post anything because, I feel like if I post anymore it would be a Melz Blog's post not the new blog "which I will not tell you the name" 's post. And who knows I might post a really good post on Melz Blog and not use it on the new blog. I don't know, it makes since it my head.

Summer Is almost here!! More Like Summer Vacation is almost here!!

And that means more time for, more posts and fun videos.

I want to start a shout out heard around the world. (Comment down below what we should call it). Put you name or your nickname, or for privacy reasons a "code name" below and where you are from and you can show up on a shout out heard around the world. I think that would be really fun.

Speaking of smiles, as I keep rambling on in the "Catch Up with me Post", I have found an organization called Smile train, that donates money that you donate to give kids surgery for clef lip of clef palate. Even a small donation would help them. If you want to donate there is a link at the bottom of the page or on the side bar. (The link or button will be up tomorrow).

Monday, May 16, 2016

I Forgot To Share With You Guys This New Video

Check out my new Youtube video, sorry it took so long to post anything.
Here is another quick and easy cooking with Melz video.
I love my gluten free cookies and when I found this recipe I was in heaven. Not only was the cookies easy, they where light and fluffy (and did not even "taste" gluten free)
I forgot to tell you to chill the dough in the fridge for an hour before baking in. DO NOT skip this step or they will become thin, brittle cookies.
Music was by Audio Library

Saturday, April 30, 2016



I'm so sorry that I have not posted in awhile. Time has gone by so fast and the school year is almost over. I have been playing two sports and have been busy. Now I only do one sport, so I have a little time to get things done. When I looked at the last time I posted or updated anything it had been weeks. I just want to say that  I am sorry that I have not kept up. I am planning on filming a fun video that I will be post in 2 weeks, and a challenge video with my sister that will be posted next Sunday.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Well in 3 days time my birthday will come!

What better way to celebrate but to do a video or blog post you guys suggest and getting 20 subscribers. It would be amazing to see that I go 20 subscribers on my birthday that probably would make me cry. It's nice to know people are out  there reading my content. Help me get my birthday wish of 20 or more subscribers.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

My Strange Addiction

My Strange Addiction
April 2, 2016
Hello guys,

I think I officially figured out that I might be addicted to the sims 4!

It's like they are real and I feel like the a personally attached to me.

Is that bad? Comment if you are addicted to the Sims 4.
I noticed my self today names my sims by their names to my mom and talking about how  Brooklyn and her new boyfriend have steamed up the bedroom, cooking something in Brookies belly, sorry I'm getting weird on you. I'm so exited for that belly to pop!

Comment down below if you want me to start filming my crazy addiction to the Sims 4 with episodes of my sims life on YouTube.

I've decided to sell it for $20.00

The game has barely been used.